Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Blog Post #2

Supreme court - Wikipedia 

While reading SCOUTS History and watching the video learned that the Supreme Court/ SCOUTS ruled that prayer initiated by and within public schools violates the First Amendment. This does make sense since not everyone shares the same views when it come to religion and due to the First Amendment, everyone has to honor that.

What I took away from the video and article is that the Supreme Court has influenced quite a number of things in America’s history. Without it and the decisions, they made at certain times in history the country would be a completely different place from what it is today. 

Something I found surprising was that “before Warren’s pro-civil rights decision, the court denied citizenship to African American slaves in 1857 (Dred Scott v. Sandford), upheld state segregation laws in 1896 (Plessy v. Ferguson), and upheld World War ll internment camps for Japanese Americans in 1944 (Korematsu v. United States).” I never realized just what type of decisions the Supreme Court makes and how big their impact can be on certain groups of people. 

Supreme Court of the United States - Wikipedia

While watching the video I realized just how much the Supreme Court does and how much power they actually have. Now I realized that they are not completely controlled by the President but they try to separate themselves and make their own decisions/ have their own point of view/ opinions. The Supreme Court had to fight for their respect and to be treated as the higher power that they are. 

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