Saturday, April 23, 2022

Blog Post #8: EOTO Machine Learning

Machine Learning is defined as “the use and development of computer systems that are able to learn and adapt without following explicit instructions,” according to Oxford Languages. The history of machine learning is dated to the 1940s but it was not until the 1950s that we saw machine learning in action for the first time. There are many names connected to the creation of machine learning but the one that stands out the most is Arthur Samuel, who was a computer scientist at IBM and a pioneer in artificial intelligence and computer gaming, he then proceeded to coin the name “Machine Learning” in 1952. The program was originally designed as a computer program for playing checkers, the more the program played the game the more it learned. Today machine learning has evolved into much more than just checkers, many scientists and researchers started to develop new programs and algorithms which lead to image recognition, pattern recognition, and Sybil which Google introduced which is a system for predicting user behavior. 

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With machine learning comes many benefits including trends and patterns that can be identified much more easier, the program can review large capacities of data and discover patterns and/ or trends that humans could otherwise not. Machine learning also improves over time, the programming that machine learning uses typically improves efficiency and accuracy due to the constant data that is being processed, the more data that is processed the more the program has the ability to learn from it. Although there are many benefits to machine learning it does come with some negatives including the high level of error susceptibility, “for instance, you might have a faulty sensor that generates a flawed data set. The inaccurate data may then be fed into the machine learning program, which uses it as the basis of an algorithm update. This would cause skewed results in the algorithm’s output.” Machine learning can also take a lot of time and money to keep a program running especially if you don’t have a lot of computing power.

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Machine learning affects just about everyone today. It provides protection for the environment, it can access and store more data than humans, and machines can detect patterns that can generate solutions to just about any environmental problem. With machine learning, we can also use it to attempt dangerous tasks, humans no longer have to put themselves in danger when doing risky activities now that can be taken over by robots. There have also been advances in home automation and security, many homeowners turn to technology for their alarm systems and surveillance cameras with machine learning and facial recognition technology a database is created to recognize frequent visitors to a home which then allows them to detect unwanted visitors. 

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These examples are nowhere near the end of just what machine learning is capable of doing. It will continue to evolve and bring us new developments to better our everyday life. I personally can not wait to see what is in store next for machine learning. 

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